Monday, August 4, 2008

Congratulations Midsommar Award Winners!

Congratulations to all the 2008 VCOA Midsommar Award Winners. In reality all Volvos are winners, some just stand out a little more.

The Award identification plates are in the mail and you should be receiving yours in a few days.
Each plate identifies the group, place, name and vehicle in all the car show and road rally classifications. They have been designed to be applied to the glassware "trophy" you received in Lindsborg.
To apply the plate you will need to curve it to match the circumference of the glassware. This is easily accomplished by forming it around a round object. I used a 6oz. tomato paste can. The metal is very pliable and forms easily. Make the curve a little tighter than the glassware as it will spring back upon placement and tend to stay in place better.
After forming the plate, peal back the paper covering the adhesive strip on the back. This will reveal a sticky surface that will adhere to the glassware.
Then just apply the plate to the glassware at a position just below the engraved Midsommar event logo. It's that simple and the result is an unique and attractive memento of your successful participation in 2008 VCOA Midsommar!

One final note: I doubt that the plate adhesive is dishwasher safe. If you plan to continue to use your tankard of another purpose, you may do so, but you will have to come up with your own solution as to where to stick the plate.



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